Friday 11 May 2012

Tutorial Five: Video Production Sessions

                                                 VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS

A particular interest of mine in the occupational therapy area is vehicle modifications. The five Utube videos listed below reflect that interest and each shows a different way that a vehicle can be adapted to enable people to increase access to occupational engagements and increase their involvement in social participation.
Transportation provides human access to other people and places. A lack of transport options can limit an individuals access to various occupational engagements including work, school and many social activities. It can also undermine a person's wellbeing as often a lack of transport will limit an individuals earning potential and involvement in social participation. (Christiansen & Townsend 2010).


REFERENCES: Christiansen, C. H. & Townsend, E, A. (2010). Introduction to occupation the art of science and living. (2nd Ed.). New Jersey. United States of America. Pearson.


  1. hi Lisa, this is a pretty cool demonstration of how vehicles can be adapted for peoples needs - nice one.

    1. Yup. Its really amazing the different products that are available.
